Expert Amanda Jenner’s 2024 Potty Training Guide: A Comprehensive Parent's Guide - My Carry Potty®

Expert Amanda Jenner’s 2024 Potty Training Guide: A Comprehensive Parent's Guide

Posted by Amanda Jenner

Amanda Jenner, the founder of My Carry Potty and a leading potty training expert, shares her top tips to help you navigate this crucial milestone with confidence.

1. Choose Your Timing Wisely

Timing is everything when it comes to potty training. Avoid starting during periods of change, such as moving to a new home, welcoming a new baby, or if your child is unwell. Starting too early can lead to setbacks, so ensure your child is showing readiness signs before you begin. Trust your instincts and don’t feel pressured by others.

2. Communicate with Caregivers

Consistency is key in potty training. Inform your child’s nursery, caregivers, or anyone else who looks after them about your potty training plan. Share the techniques you’re using, such as reward charts or sticker systems, to maintain a consistent approach and avoid confusion.

3. Potty Training Anytime, Anywhere

There’s no “perfect” season for potty training. Whether it’s summer or winter, if your child shows signs of readiness, go for it. Waiting for a specific time of year might cause your child to lose interest, making the process more challenging.

4. Extra Resources for Support

Consider using potty training books or videos to prepare your child (and yourself) for the process. These resources can make the concept of potty training more relatable and fun for your little one. I've written a number of potty training books, for both little ones and adults, to navigate the journey smoothly.

5. Dress for Success

Make sure your child wears clothes that are easy to remove quickly. This reduces the time it takes to get them on the potty and can help prevent accidents. Training pants can be helpful, but some children may benefit more from transitioning directly to underwear, which makes them feel more grown-up.

6. Get the Right Equipment

Having the right potty training equipment is crucial. Invest in a quality and convnient potty, a My Carry Potty, and when they're ready, eventally a special trainer seat and step stool. Ensure your child is comfortable, as this will encourage them to use it consistently.

7. Involve Your Child in the Process

Let your child choose their own potty. Involving them in the decision-making process makes them feel more in control and excited about using it. Consider getting a matching seat and potty set to create a consistent and cohesive potty training experience. We even offer tiered bundles, so you can get everything you'll need at a discounted cost!

8. Be Prepared, Inside and Out

When at home, keep a potty at close reach so your little one can use it whenever they feel the need. When out and about, bring your child’s potty, or training seat, with you. This familiar item can provide comfort and help reduce accidents.

9. Encourage and Praise

Positive reinforcement is vital during potty training. Use reward charts, stickers, or a special treat box to celebrate successes. Incorporating a fun toilet training storybook can also help maintain your child’s interest and momentum.

10. Stay Calm During Accidents

Accidents are inevitable, but it’s essential to stay calm. Raising your voice or scolding your child can create fear around toilet training, leading to setbacks. Approach accidents with understanding and reassurance.

11. Avoid Comparisons

Every child is unique, and they will reach milestones at their own pace. Resist the urge to compare your child’s progress with others. Focus on the signs your child is showing and tailor your approach to their individual needs.

12. Reward Every Effort

Rewards are a great way to motivate your child, but they don’t always need to be tied to success. Celebrate every effort, even if your child doesn’t perform. The act of sitting on the potty or toilet alone is a step forward and deserves recognition. Immediate rewards help reinforce positive behaviour.

Final thoughts

Potty training is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and the right tools. Remember, every child is different, so trust your instincts and enjoy this lifeskill together.

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